Abul ShafiqullahAbul ShafiqullahAbul Shafiqullah
(647) 995-6401
Scarborough ON M1N 1V3, Canada

Refugee Claims & Appeals

We give the best Services

Navigating the refugee claims process can be complex and overwhelming, but our dedicated team is here to help. We provide expert guidance and support to individuals seeking asylum in Canada, ensuring that all necessary documentation is completed accurately and submitted on time. Our legal professionals understand the nuances of refugee law and work diligently to build a strong case that reflects your unique circumstances.

From initial application to hearings before the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada, we are with you every step of the way. Our goal is to ensure that your rights are protected and that you receive the fair consideration you deserve. Trust us to advocate on your behalf and help you achieve the best possible outcome for your refugee claim.

Expert Guidance: We ensure accurate and effective completion of your refugee claim.
Comprehensive Support: Assistance from application to representation at hearings.
Personalized Advocacy: We build a strong case based on your unique circumstances.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)